Tag: Society

  • Are Singaporeans Creative? Yes, No, It’s Complicated.

    Singaporean students are the most creative students in the world. Singapore is also one of the least creative First World societies. Both of these statements are simultaneously true. I am one of Singapore’s most prolific and versatile writers. I have published 17 novels, 24 short stories and 2 non-fiction works. I also have 12 more…

  • Become Unemployable

    Every unvaccinated and non-exempted worker in Singapore is barred from returning to the workplace. Two weeks from now, every partially-unvaccinated worker who refuses to take the second shot will be barred from returning to the workplace. Employers are supposed to redeploy these workers to remote positions wherever possible, or allow them to work from home.…

  • As Singapore celebrates her 50th birthday, I wonder what challenges Singapore will face in the future. And I’m no optimist.

  • 'Light Touch' or Rule by Bureaucrat?

    In light of TRS being shut down, what does the government mean by ‘light touch’?

  • Whither Cohesion and Diversity?

    Celebrating diversity is fine, but the real trick is creating cohesion.