Tag: Life

  • Into 2024, and Beyond

    2024 was a rough year. You might have divined as much from the sudden drop in output over the past half-year. Real Life circumstances have conspired to force a sea change in every aspect of my life. With so much more to handle than ever before, my writing time has been reduced by half. Or…

  • A Thousand Nos

    “Do you want to take the vaccine?” “No.” “Are you scared of needles? It’s safe!” “No.” “Everyone is getting the injection. Why don’t you take it?” “No.” “You spread the virus to others then how? Take the vaccine!” “No.” “What are you trying to prove?! Take the vaccine!” “No.” “You don’t take the vaccine, you…

  • The First Day of A New Life

    Two weeks ago I sent in my notice of resignation. This morning I sent in my last timesheet. With that, I have quit my day job to pursue self-employment, financial freedom, and the art of writing. A Decade of Dead Ends For 10 years I’ve held a number of dead-end jobs. Speech trainer. Copywriter. Staff…

  • Life Recalibration

    At the age of 12, I knew I wanted to be a full-time author. The dream lasted me through my schooling years and into my twenties. Not a day passed when I would not think of that goal. But now, eighteen years on, it’s time for a reality check. And a recalibration. I have written…

  • Looking Back on 2018, Planning for 2019

    2018 was my most productive year yet. My focus on Pulp Speed has paid off, allowing me to write and publish more stories than I thought possible. Unfortunately, not everything went according to plan. In 2018, I published a novel and 14 short stories. If the short stories were compiled by theme, there is probably…

  • How I Survived 17 Days in Japan on Onigiri, Yakitori and Nut Bars

    In late October, my wife and I embarked on our greatest adventure yet: a 17-day trip in Japan, spanning Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka and Hiroshima, without guides or local contacts, armed with nothing but our maps and our wits. We were no strangers to overseas travel, but we’d always traveled in group tours. The tour…