Tag: Crowdfunding

  • Invincible Under Heaven Week 2 Update and Sneak Preview!

    We are 2 weeks into the crowdfunding campaign for SAGA OF THE SWORDBREAKER: INVINCIBLE UNDER HEAVEN. At 39% funded, there is still a ways to go before we hit the campaign goals—which also means there is still time for you to pick up campaign-exclusive perks. Among these perks is Jiao Tu’s Endeavour Volumes 1 and…


    天下无敌。 Invincible under heaven. The title every martial artist aspires to. To one who holds this title, the world is his oyster, with which sword he will open. In pursuit of this dream, every cultivator of the rivers and lakes tirelessly pursues power—no matter the cost. Li Ming used to follow that path. He obsessed…

  • Babylon Black: Week 4 Update!

    Babylon Black in the final stretch! With just 3 days to go, the campaign is going down to the wire. There’s just 3 more days before the campaign-exclusive perks go away permanently. As of time of writing, there’s still $308 left to go to hit the campaign goal. Regardless of how the campaign finally plays…

  • Babylon Black: The Doctrine of the Sword

    Katanas are cool. Small wonder, then, that katanas show up often in cyberpunk media. The genre came of age in an era of Japanese ascendency. In Western cyberpunk works, the katana served as a symbol of Japanese cultural and martial power, and a marker of globalization and Niponnisation. With Babylon, I wanted to do something…

  • Babylon Black: The Forging of A Warrior

    How do you forge a man into a warrior against the New Gods? This is one of the key questions Babylon Red seeks to explore. Outnumbered and outgunned, there is no way Team Black Watch can fight the New Gods alone. They need allies. But who dares to challenge the rulers of the world? This…

  • Babylon Black Week 1 Update and FREE Chapter!

    It’s been a week since the IndieGoGo campaign for BABYLON BLACK kicked off, and the campaign is progressing smoothly. As of time of writing, we are now 30% funded! To celebrate this milestone, here’s the first chapter of BABYLON BLACK. Enjoy! — Be in the world, but not of it. The ancient aphorism ringing in…