Tag: Books

  • The Purpose of Violence in James Clavell’s Shogun

    James Clavell depicts a Japan gripped in the throes of an uneasy interregnum. Ambitious lords scheme to discredit and destroy each other, forcing their rivals to break the peace of the deceased Taiko or to commit seppuku. The Portuguese plot to retain monopoly on the Japan-China trade, while the Jesuits seek to convert all of…

  • The Based Fall Book Sale!

    Hans G Schantz is back with his seasonal book sale! For the Fall 2022 edition, he’s put together a humongous list of free and discounted books. There are so many books, he had to split them into no less than four separate pages! A number of luminaries grace this season’s sale, including: Declan Finn, John…

  • Book Review: Blood Line by Andrew Vachss

    Andrew Vachss was a master of American crime noir. Where most other writers can only attempt to summon imaginary demons on the page, Vachss has stared true monsters in the eye—and locked them away. By profession Vachss was a lawyer who specialized in child protective work. He had previously worked as a federal investigator in…

  • Marcus Wynne’s THE REVENGERS

    Rob the corrupt. Then kill them. Evil lurks in the streets of Minneapolis. Where the police can’t or won’t act, retired US Marines Salt and Raul Sanchez take justice into their hands. Hybrid vigilante-hitmen, they stalk their prey, rob them blind, and finish them. Permanently. Book 1, SALT, introduces readers to the world of Revengers.…

  • Thoughts on Jirel of Joiry

    Mention the words ‘Strong Female Character’ and immediately a visage of a tigress fills your head. She is powerful and fearless, unbeatable in combat, sexually alluring, takes no nonsense from anyone, and can best any man in any masculine pursuit. It’s a trope solidified over decades of repetition on the silver screen and the printed…

  • Book Unreview: 9th of August

    One of the signatures of PulpRev is our cheerful disdain of conventional genre boundaries. Where traditional publishers see a dividing line between fantasy, science fiction, romance and other genres, we draw on the older traditions that blended various aesthetics to create exciting tales. We do not box ourselves in by arbitrary genre distinctions; we embrace…