Tag: Indie Writing

  • How I Wrote a Novel in 12 Weeks

    135456 words. 12 weeks. A full novel in 3 months. By pulp standards it’s sluggish, but it’s the fastest I’ve ever completed a novel of this length. And I was juggling a full-time work schedule and regular blog posts alongside it. If there’s one thing I understand about the writing industry, it’s that if you…

  • Writing Through the Churn

    No matter how bad a story may get, you have to write through the churn.

  • Gatekeepers Make Creators Fragile

    Creators and artists of all persuasions cannot count on gatekeepers. Many publishers and corporate sponsors do not have the creators’ interests in mind, only their own. That gives social justice warriors a vulnerability to exploit. Earlier this week, political interest groups used deceptively edited footage to assassinate Milo Yiannopoulis’ character. The edited clip showed Yiannopoulis…

  • I, ESCHATON is live!

    I, ESCHATON is live and ready for sale! The third entry of the American Heirs series, this story picks up where KEEPERS OF THE FLAME left off, taking Master Sergeant Christopher Miller into a new battlefield. To quote the blurb: — Master Sergeant Christopher Miller has returned home from war, but war has come to find…

  • I, ESCHATON ready for preorder!

    I, Eschaton is ready for reorder!

  • Chapter 2 of I, Eschaton

    The second chapter of my upcoming work I, Eschaton.