Tag: Indie Publishing

  • Espionage in a Cyberpunk World

    Information is king. In a world where empires rise and fall with the news cycle, where machines gorge on seas of data and produce oceans of information, where a single publicized fact is more devastating than an atomic bomb, information is the lifeblood of civilizations. In Singularity Sunrise, where advances in critical technologies produce a…

  • Changing the Game

    The recipe for indie publishing success is well known. To become a bestselling author who rakes in the dough every month, you need to obey the following principles: Write in a hot genre that readers want and you can do Create a deep series — at least 5, preferably more books Produce high-quality cover for…

  • Book Series Review: American Praetorians

    Welcome to the collapse. The dollar has crashed, the economy is in turmoil, and the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Warlords and terrorists run rampant in the Middle East, drug cartels wage a brutal war in Mexico and the American South, the American Republic is teetering on the brink, and in the…

  • How to Make More Singaporean Writers

    Reading Sumiko Tan’s interview with Tash Aw, I am reminded of the questions that haunt the Singapore writing scene. How can we produce more writers? How do we get international recognition? How do we create, in Tan’s words, ‘international literary successes’? From my perspective, the answer is simple: Do not be limited by Singapore. The Culture Crush…

  • Gatekeepers Make Creators Fragile

    Creators and artists of all persuasions cannot count on gatekeepers. Many publishers and corporate sponsors do not have the creators’ interests in mind, only their own. That gives social justice warriors a vulnerability to exploit. Earlier this week, political interest groups used deceptively edited footage to assassinate Milo Yiannopoulis’ character. The edited clip showed Yiannopoulis…

  • I, ESCHATON is live!

    I, ESCHATON is live and ready for sale! The third entry of the American Heirs series, this story picks up where KEEPERS OF THE FLAME left off, taking Master Sergeant Christopher Miller into a new battlefield. To quote the blurb: — Master Sergeant Christopher Miller has returned home from war, but war has come to find…