Singapore Descends Into Medical Tyranny

“To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good, or else that it’s a well-considered act in conformity with natural law. Fortunately, it is in the nature of the human being to seek a justification for his actions. ”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Designate a public enemy. Paint them as responsible for society’s ills. Pass ever-increasing punitive measures against them, all the while expanding the power of the state, in the name of protecting the people. Every step of the way, the public will cheer you on.

Adolf Hitler. Josef Stalin. Mao Ze Dong. Dictators and tyrants across history have employed this stratagem to great effect. And now it has come to Singapore.

Singapore announced new Covid measures yesterday following a spike in transmissions. These include:

  • Home recovery protocol as the norm for Covid patients, except for partially or unvaccinated individuals aged 50 and older, vaccinated people aged 80 and older, children below one year old, and children between one to four years old assessed to be clinically unsuitable for home recovery.
  • Unvaccinated people are barred from shopping malls, attractions, hawker centres and coffee shops. They can still buy takeaway food and visit large standalone supermarkets.
  • Fully vaccinated people are only allowed in these places as individuals or in pairs.

The government claims that this will ‘protect the unvaccinated and reduce the strain on the healthcare system’. A deeper investigation reveals that this claim is absurd.

Singapore’s Covid mortality rate is 0.125% (153 deaths out of 124157 cases). The overwhelming majority of Covid deaths in Singapore occur among patients above the age of 60 with 2 or more comorbidities. Outside that demographic, deaths and critical illnesses are extremely rare. By allowing patients that don’t require specialist medical treatment to self-isolate and recover at home, this reduces the strain on the healthcare system.

In Singapore, living in family units is the norm, as is living in multi-generational family units. In families of mixed vaccination status, self-isolation and home recovery will expose the unvaccinated and partially vaccinated to the disease. Similarly, in families that have not been vaccinated, everyone at home will be exposed to the virus. It is more difficult to isolate a patient with a contagious disease at home than in a hospital with a specially-designed contagious disease ward and well-trained and -equipped staff. I will not be surprised if home-based clusters will form next.

If Covid were so mild that even the unvaccinated can be allowed to recover at home as the default, why should they be subject to more stringent rules in the first place? Why do they even need ‘protection’? Why do they need to be protected from the protected who took the protection so they can be protected against the virus?

The US CDC claims that the unvaccinated are 11 times more likely to die than the vaccinated. However, given that the mortality rate of Covid in Singapore is just 0.123%, such a figure is statistically meaningless. Should an unvaccinated person who is not in the at-risk demographic catch the virus, he is extremely likely to recover. Upon recovery, he gains natural immunity, which is 13 times more effective than the Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant.

With the Delta variant of Covid, there is no difference in viral load between a vaccinated and unvaccinated carrier. The only difference is severity of symptoms, and even then, only for 6 months at best. This means that a vaccinated carrier is just as contagious as an unvaccinated carrier.

Why bar unvaccinated people from indoor spaces?

This is an extremely onerous restriction due to Singapore’s geography. Urban Singapore is designed along its roads and public transportation network. Buses and trains connect every major neighbourhood and urban centre to every corner of the country. In 2020, the MRT and LRT train networks saw a daily ridership of 2.162 million, while bus ridership was measured at 2.878 million a day. Every major bus interchange and train station terminates at or near a shopping mall.

In some places, the train station or bus station is integrated directly into the mall: exiting requires passing through the mall premises, or else taking a very long roundabout route. In the downtown area, some stations have underground shopping arcades, which may or may not be counted as a mall under these new rules.

The shopping mall is the heart of Singapore’s urban life. Eateries, childcare centres, medical clinics, supermarkets, hairdressers, gyms and other vital services are embedded in malls. These rules bar unvaccinated people from essential services in urban areas.

The unvaccinated can still visit small standalone shops. Most of these, however, are sited in and around older public housing estates. Accessibility is far limited compared to malls with bus and train services, especially for Singaporeans who cannot afford their own vehicles. Reducing the accessibility of medical services during a pandemic is counterproductive to ending it. Reducing the accessibility of other services further compounds the misery of the people for little gain.

With so many retail jobs concentrated in malls, banning unvaccinated people from malls means that every unvaccinated worker must also be let go or placed on indefinite leave. As far as I can tell, there is no exception for such workers. At the same time, the government has also made it illegal for companies to fire workers solely because of their vaccination status.

This presents a legal difficulty, one that has clearly not been thought through.

It is probable that these frontline workers will continue to operate under the current vaccinate or test regime, or an even more stringent version of it. Nonetheless, there is still nothing in the news about this. Expect unvaccinated workers to be fired anyway, because this law gives unscrupulous bosses an excuse to do it. Even if mall workers were allowed to get tested instead, the cost of each test must be borne by the employer or employee. No matter which way the government leans, the livelihoods of frontline workers and their families will be affected.

Hawker centres are another critical component of Singaporean life. These are food courts that offer cheap and quickly-cooked food, the staple for the busy working professional. Hawkers run on tight profit margins, relying on volume of sales to make a living. Earlier pandemic measures that forced hawker centres to switch entirely to takeaway cratered the income of hawker stores. Many of these hawkers are senior citizens with little grasp of technology or the English language, and thus are shut out from food delivery platforms. Food delivery apps also charge a fee for delivery, forcing hawkers to either raise their prices or eat massive losses. To save the hawkers, the government relaxed the rules for hawker centres earlier this year. Reducing the number of patrons so dramatically will send shock waves through the hawker centres once again, further reducing their income.

The overall effect of these measures is to shut out unvaccinated people from most public spaces. In so doing, it causes significant knock-on effects to small businesses and lower-income families—precisely the same groups that have been and continue to be hit hardest by government responses to the pandemic.

The true tragedy of all is that this will not influence Covid transmission the way the government thinks it will.

99% of Covid transmissions take place indoors, or even as high as 99.9%. By banning unvaccinated people from public spaces, the virus will spread among vaccinated people instead—and in homes with recovering patients.

The vaccine reduces severity of symptoms, and asymptomatic Delta carriers can spread the virus. An unvaccinated person who catches the virus and develops symptoms knows he is sick. He will then be likely to seek medical attention and isolate himself. A vaccinated person who catches the virus but does not develop symptoms will not know he is sick, unless he goes the extra mile and spends the extra money to test himself regularly. This means an asymptomatic person is likely to continue spreading the virus, oblivious to that fact that he is a carrier.

The vaccine is non-sterilizing. It does not kill the virus completely. It does not even prevent transmission. It could even worsen transmission. As Malo Gato notes, it’s possible that the vaccinated are driving the spread of the disease. With these new rules, Singapore is likely to see this over the coming weeks and months. Unlike superspreaders of other diseases, a vaccinated Covid Patient Zero will not develop symptoms, and statistically a number of patients around him won’t either, so it becomes even more difficult to contain the infection.

How will the government ‘protect the unvaccinated and reduce the strain on the healthcare system’ by introducing policies that increase the likelihood of silent superspreader events?

The answer is simple: It’s not meant to do that.

The purpose of these policies is to place even more pressure on the unvaccinated. By systematically shutting them out of urban life, the government aims to coerce them into taking experimental ‘vaccines’ that do not stop the spread of the targeted disease and are vastly more dangerous than all vaccines combined.

Neither the government nor the press will show you the image below.

This is a vaccine mandate without formally legislating a mandate. It is rule by bureaucratic fiat, decided not by the duly elected representatives of the people, but faceless bureaucrats and ministers in high office.

These measures are nothing less than medical discrimination, and poorly-planned discrimination at that. With a pliant media and a silent opposition, there is nothing to stop measures from getting stricter over time. There is nothing to stop the government from steadily ramping up the pressure, until at last the vaccine becomes mandatory and all holdouts are re-educated.

Not that this will quell the pandemic.

Countries that pushed for mass vaccination programs saw an uptick in deaths shortly after an increase in new vaccinations. Palestine, the UK, Cambodia, Thailand.

Singapore reported 29 deaths from Covid in 2020—and 124 in 2021. The difference was the rise of the Delta variant, which was allegedly less deadly than the Alpha strain, and mass vaccinations beginning in December 2020.

The implications are statistically interesting, and you are not supposed to notice this.

It’s easy to comply. Just two jabs, both of them free, and you can get (most of) your life back. If you don’t, you will be shut out from public life or be forced to take Antigen Rapid Testing, which costs $15 per test—and which is good only for one day. But once the state can force you to comply with this, they can force you to comply with everything.

Covid measures will not stop at 2 jabs. It will become 3 jabs, as it already is in Israel, and then it will become regular biannual shots. Proof of vaccination will become a requirement to hold a job or buy groceries, as it already is in Lithuania, and failure to keep up with the jabs means losing everything you have. Wearing the mask and taking the vaccine becomes a highly-visible test of loyalty and obedience to the state, in the guise of a public health measure. Everyone who refuses to take the loyalty test will be branded as enemies of the people and spreaders of disease, so everything that happens to them next will be justified. After that, whoever fails to keep up with ever-changing regulations will become the new enemies of the people, and the new targets for the state. The government can claim to restore the freedoms once a target is hit, freedoms that they took away in the first place, then renege on their promises by claiming that the situation has changed.

The government will always find new reasons to justify new measures to grant themselves more power and force compliance.

What can we do?

Do not participate in the system. Do not repeat the propaganda. Do not remain silent.

The truth will emerge in the coming weeks and months. We will see the true impact of these measures, and the costs. Already there is growing resistance to vaccinations in Singapore. As much as the government insists that the vaccines are safe, word is spreading of the deaths and injuries that occurred after taking the vaccine. Likewise, word is spreading of the states that lifted restrictions and implemented treatments smeared by the media, and saw Covid numbers drop dramatically.

Continue to speak the truth, without fear and favor, and it will be revealed in the fullness time. Until then, we must continue to hold the line.

“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

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50 responses to “Singapore Descends Into Medical Tyranny”

  1. Steven avatar

    Thank you for writing this.
    You have put all the points very clearly across. I hope all of Singapore will get to read this.

  2. K Soh avatar
    K Soh

    Hi Benjamin

    Thanks so much for speaking up, not just on behalf of the unvaccinated but also the currently vaccinated who plan to reject booster shots down the road.

    We must all indeed continue to speak the truth without fear or favour and continue to hold the line.

    God bless you for inspiring the rest of us with your courage.

  3. IR avatar

    yet those not yet “awakened” will continue to comply and acquiesce to the tyranny of an increasing totalitarian and authoritarian regime…they will now know what they have lost until it is too late.

  4. Weelian avatar

    I cannot believe our government is doing this! Thank you for writing this piece! I’m going to hold out as long as I can, but for my wife, she is now forced to go for the jab because of her work as she needs to travel to different places. I will not forget the day our government made this stupid decision!

  5. Cool cucumber avatar
    Cool cucumber

    It’s to protect the healthcare workers from avalanche of serious cases, like in India.

    If you don’t feel like getting vaccinated, then just bear with it till Covid blows over. Reduce all social exposure on your own too. You have multiple times higher risk of getting seriously ill with Covid compared to the rest.

    Cool it and stop crying freedom, rights or conspiracy. It’s just about riding through the wave.

    1. Cheah avatar

      The government has been talking for months about a ‘new normal’. The government has been talking about ‘endemic’ Covid-19. This means they expect Covid will always be with us.

      This means that Covid will never ‘blow over’.

      Remember that Australia locked down 2 million people over 1 Covid case.

      What makes you think it won’t happen in Singapore?

      What makes you think the government will ever lift restrictions if people don’t speak up?

      And speaking of India, despite lack of widespread vaccination or strict controls like Singapore, Covid is now mostly under control. This came after the issuance of treatment kits.

      Kits which contain a medicine that the media insists is highly poisonous.

      And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

      How can a man remain silent in the face of conspiracy?

      I will not.

    2. Xavier Basora avatar
      Xavier Basora

      In Lithuania, there’s a Twitterer with a pregant wife who’ve been ostracized by governmentfiat because he and his wife won’t vaccinate.

      They have no job and have great difficulty feeding themselves.
      So maintain a very respectful silence before you prattle about minimizing exposure. The governments are forcing people to violate their corporal integrity on pains of being literally starved to death.

      It’s pure superstition to hold an unvaccinated person will infect a vaccinated one.


    3. Adam Ling avatar
      Adam Ling

      You are the 61% unthinking sheep who blindly follows and believes that the PAP can do no wrong thus giving them the power to unjustly punish the unvaccinated when they have committed no offence of any nature.

      You probably also believe the bullshit they feed you that without the PAP in power Singapore will collapse into oblivion.

      Grow up and grow a brain. We have you to thank that our country has plummet into this sorry state with incompetent leaders who are totally removed and estranged from the realities on the ground implementing ridiculous rules causing more problems than solving the issues at hand. They have no ideas of their own to resolve this pandemic but instead relying on America and the WHO (who themselves are beholden to the big pharmaceutical companies) for directions.

      As they say in the army, “wake up your bloody ideas”.

  6. Cool cucumber avatar
    Cool cucumber

    What’s the likelihood that Singapore is special in terms of Covid mortality compared to countries that suffered horrific loss among their unvaccinated masses? So is it better or ethical to let Covid run through the population without any measures like vaccination just like those countries? Is a life saved worth a little bit of inconvenience? It can be other ailments like cancer, heart attacks and so on, aside from the prevailing Covid.

    There can be disagreement in opinion. But lets keep overt incrimination out.

    1. Cheah avatar

      Countries that did not impose harsh measures such as lockdowns, mask mandates and restrictions didn’t experience worse outcomes in terms of Covid transmissions that countries that did.

      See: Scandinavia, Japan, red states versus blue states in America. The places that the mainstream media will not cover, because the data contradicts the narrative.

      Not only that, Covid lockdowns and firing staff over mandates reduce availability of medical services to treat cancer, heart attacks, and other ailments. It’s already happening in America, with the hospital staff shortages. People are dying not from Covid, but because harsh measures like vaccine mandates reduced access to medical services.

      It’s not a matter of inconvenience. It is literally a matter of life and death.

      Shutting out people from malls isn’t an ‘inconvenience’ either. With essential services centralised in malls, people are being denied access to banks, supermarkets, doctors, and essential services.

      They are being treated as second-class citizens simply by exercising their right to choose.

      There is already overt discrimination. It will continue to get worse until the people stand against it.

    2. M Chua avatar
      M Chua

      To cool cucumber… you must one of those vaccinated. If lets say the policy is now to ban all those vaccinated from going to coffee shops n shopping malls.. beacause for the greater good as the vax can be asymptomatic, wont know they are spreading virus. So if they stay home, everyone will be safe. would you still say it is alright to suffer a little inconvenience? When one is not the minority, one seldom understand the meaning of being discimminated.

      1. Cool cucumber avatar
        Cool cucumber

        But non vaccinated people can also be asymptomatic. The world has moved beyond controlling the spread of Covid to avoid overwhelming the hospitals. That’s the initial response.

        The world is at the next step now. If you don’t wish to vaccinate to protect yourself, just avoid social contact for your sake, whether there’s restriction or not. It’s a little inconvenience but for your own sake.

        1. Cheah avatar

          Non-vaccinated people are less likely to be asymptomatic than vaccinated people. They are therefore less likely to be superspreaders than infected vaccinated people who do not develop symptoms and continue mingling with others.

          To avoid overwhelming the hospitals, governments overseas are now forcing hospitals to fire unvaccinated staff. That’s the leading cause of healthcare staff shortage in America right now.

          Not only that, there are hospitals that refuse to treat unvaccinated patients, and are suspending non-urgent surgeries. This means that those patients will get worse over time. When they finally do need a hospital, they will consume more resources over a longer period of time than if they had received early treatment.

          How does that make sense?

          Singapore is limiting access to medical services through the latest policy by restricting access to clinics inside malls. As mentioned above, this means people will be disincentivized from seeking treatment for diseases until it demands hospitalisation. The hospitals will then have to bear then burden.

          Such a policy is counterproductive in the long term.

          As for avoiding social contact, I am a hermit. But most people are incapable of a lifestyle like that. We’ve seen large increases in mental illnesses ever since the restrictions were set in. These patients will need specialised treatments, and may harm themselves. Or have already. How does this avoid overwhelming the hospitals?

          ‘For your own sake’ is the excuse of tyrants over the centuries. The government has not provided adequate justification, nor is the disease dangerous enough to warrant such heavy-handed measures.

          Go back to the first Solzenitsyn quote in the article and see how you can fit ‘for your own sake’ into it.

          1. Cool cucumber avatar
            Cool cucumber

            Don’t mean to quibble, but stopping spread is behind the world now. In that scenario, you restrict movement whether it be vaccinated or not, symptomatic or not. That is history now, god forbid.

            Ok, “for your sake” can be changed to “take careful precautions so that you don’t fall seriously ill from Covid with potential to die since you are at higher risk”.

            There are clinics. Shopping mall is a trivial matter not worth the risk at this juncture. Wait till wave passes.

          2. Cheah avatar

            Lockdowns and movement restrictions don’t work. The data is clear about that. The only exception to that is border controls to prevent travelers from countries with high infection rates from entering.

            There are clinics. There are ATMs. There are mama shops and void deck shops and small stores. But outside the major neighbourhood hubs, they are hard to find. You need to travel to the mature estates — and pray that they have all the services you need. Or your trip will be long and onerous.

            Waiting for the wave to pass is well and good, except that the data highly suggests that mass vaccinations drive infections. Putting it simply, the more people are vaccinated, the more the virus spreads, the more people die.

            This is what the numbers will tell you. But you have to look for them, because the media won’t.

  7. Shigo Rei avatar
    Shigo Rei

    Not just medical tyranny!
    Looking at some of the anti unvacc comments in reddit against unvacc people and you will find out that “tyranny of the majority” is the system here.
    And “cancel culture” was in Sgp long b4 it had a name.

  8. Benjamin Tan avatar
    Benjamin Tan

    After viewing this video, you will understand what this PLANdemic is all about.

  9. Ariel avatar

    Thank you, thank you for having the courage to speak out so clearly, unlike the rest of your peers, and point out the utter hypocrisy of the mandates against the unvax. Most are not ‘antivax’ but anti-obfuscation and anti-askewing of facts. But due to our dear leaders’ divisive policies, they have turned families and friends against each other, much like what had been deployed by certain leaders throughout history, and there is no coming back from it. Their Divide & Conquer tactic has worked all too well.

    And it will never ever end. Now it is this vac mandate, next time it will be the boosters that will need to be taken every few months or your ‘freedoms’ will be taken away, then some other vac and drug, whatever they want to get into us. After all, they are in it for the long term, as in many years, because they have made deals with several big pharma, (a few with multiple lawsuits against them overseas), with some already confirmed to set up factory plants here making mRNA vacs and more. Where will they be taking test subjects from? Unlikely to fly them in. I only hope they follow strict protocols then to minimise risk of an accidental outbreak locally especially when that would mean ever more mandates.

  10. Jess avatar

    Thank you for writing this article because I cannot write as well as you.

    Our G is simply following the instructions of Fauci, Biden, Bill Gates and the monopoly leaders (Vanguard, BlackRock, …). Our G is making use of the organizations which we work in to put all the blame on the unvax even though all the data showed otherwise. This will be a repeat of history like what happened to the Jews in Germany during WWII because 80% of the SG are still asleep now.

    Open your eyes big big NOW because by the time all our eyes are wide open, we will be cooked frogs in a slow cooker. If you really love your children, please stand up. Don’t expect anyone, including your children, to stand up for you, if you do not have the guts to even stand up for yourself.

  11. Jeremiah Chin avatar
    Jeremiah Chin

    Yes it’s true. Evil will prevail when good men don’t speak up. I pray this will reach the ears of the MTF and should they have any bit of conscience left perhaps this will be the voice to wake them up to their wilful blindness to truth and evidences that are so clear candid and compelling. For the MTF to do what they are doing it’s tantamount to crimes against humanity.

  12. Ray Kroc avatar
    Ray Kroc

    Most seriously-ill covid patients are seniors, obese and diabetics. If not all. And it’s the same with cancer.
    For the last two years though, not a single regulation has been discussed about junk food companies.

    About the vaccine, it’s sad to say so but it should be mandatory for this category of people: obese, seniors, diabetics, with compensation fees for any side effects.

    For the rest of the population, vaccinated or not, let’s be honest for once, there’s like a 99.99% chance of being asymptomatic now. According to official hospitalization figures’ for the last months, people indeed have a “91%” natural protection without vaccine and a “95-96% protection” with the vaccine. And these figures include obese-seniors-diabetics…
    When you remove them, it’s more like a 99.99% protection in both scenarios (vaccination/no-vaccination). That’s the main fallacy (with the “vaccine to protect your loved ones” narrative) and that’s why UK, Norway have stopped all restriction. It’s just a flu for most non-senior/obese/diabetics people.

    Furthermore, there have been 9,403 reports of suspected adverse effects out of 7.5m jabs (0.12%) according to CNA as of august 21, so the medical risks-benefits balance doesn’t lean towards vaccination for non-senior, non-obese, non-diabetics people –> you’re basically taking a risk that can be far higher than “0.12%” in your specific case, for a virtually non-existant medical gain as shown before.

    E.g a 34yo pro tennis player had top stop his season because of multiple vaccine side effects.

    Instead of harassing those who don’t see any interest in getting vaccinated, it’s time to launch a true global policy on fast-food companies such as McDonalds, KFC, Coca-Cola.
    With their agressive prices and marketing, they directly contributed to the obesity, diabete, cancer (yes there’s a link between overweight and cancer!) and death of hundreds of millions over the last decades.
    They are directly responsible of the hindrance of our economy in this covid period.
    But not a single government dares act so far, while it’s damaging our world way more than cigarettes!

  13. Tezz avatar

    Brilliant summery of the lies and deceits. This will wake the sheep up SURELY.

  14. C C avatar
    C C

    Thank you very much for writing this article.

    Truth will eventually prevail. The judgment day will come soon for those who committed crime against humanity.

  15. Cad avatar

    Thank you Benjamin for speaking up for the unvax. The storm is coming and we all need to be prepared for the upcoming truths.

  16. Jeff avatar

    “The US CDC claims that the unvaccinated are 11 times more likely to die than the vaccinated. However, given that the mortality rate of Covid in Singapore is just 0.123%, such a figure is statistically meaningless. Should an unvaccinated person who is not in the at-risk demographic catch the virus, he is extremely likely to recover. Upon recovery, he gains natural immunity, which is 13 times more effective than the Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant.”
    Is 1.23 death per 1000 infected compared with 13.53 death per 1000 infected meaningless?
    Is getting 13 times more effective immunity worth the 11 times more likely to die worth it?

    1. Cheah avatar

      The ’11 times more likely to die’ sounds scary, doesn’t it? But if this were true, we’d have seen a huge rash of deaths among migrant workers, who comprised of the overwhelming majority of cases in 2020. That clearly didn’t happen.

      If you are not in the at-risk demographic (senior with multiple co-morbidities), your risk of death is extremely low.

      Furthermore, natural immunity protects against multiple strains of Covid, which may extend to emerging strains. The current vaccine has limited effectiveness against Delta and will wane over time.

      The risk of adverse reactions goes up with every booster shot, more so since the vaccine is still experimental and there is no long term safety data, and plenty of evidence suggesting far more common and lethal adverse effects than reported.

      There is no escaping risk. The only question is how much risk you are willing to take based on your own risk profile—and why the government isn’t telling you this.

      1. Jeff avatar

        One additional death reported is one too many.

        It would have been good if your original article include the different risk factors for different age groups.

        Gov has provided all the necessary data for one to make a decision whether to vac or not to vac. However, your article is skewed towards anti-vac. Perhaps you are a young and healthy person, but please give a thought to those older people and those with co-morbidity.

        1. Cheah avatar

          On the contrary, the government has hidden critical data.

          When disclosing hospitalisation figures, the government conflates partially and unvaccinated patients, instead of separating the figures like other countries do. This alone is a major red flag, especially in light of the fact that fully vaccinated patients now comprise a majority of hospitalised patients.

          This is not me talking. This is from the Ministry of Health. Those statistics are widely available.

          Why is the government hiding this number? The only plausible explanation is that the number of unvaccinated hospitalised patients are in fact much lower than what their narrative will admit.

          If you say ‘one additional death reported is one too many’, then the obvious solution is for the government to encourage people to go outdoors, get sunlight every day, exercise, and eat healthily. Vitamin C and D deficiency, as well as obesity, are major factors leading to death from Covid.

          Yet the government instead demands that we stay indoors.

          The simple fact remains that the more people are vaccinated, the more the virus spreads, the more people are hospitalised, and the more people die. Likewise, the vaccine is losing what protection it offers at best. It has happened in Malta, Mongolia, Israel, the UAE, Chile, Palestine, and now, Singapore.

          The elderly and those with co-morbidities suffer the most.

          In contrast, states that lifted lockdowns are restrictions, most notably Scandinavia, Florida and Texas, have seen drops in transmissions, and therefore hospitalisations and deaths. Not that the government will tell you: you have to dig it up yourself.

          You claim that my article is ‘skewed towards anti-vac’. I must ask you this:

          What does the data say?

          1. Jeff avatar

            Very simply: your argument sounded logical, but you are also trying (perhaps knowingly) to skewer the argument your way.

            “When disclosing hospitalisation figures, the government conflates partially and unvaccinated patients, instead of separating the figures like other countries do. This alone is a major red flag, especially in light of the fact that fully vaccinated patients now comprise a majority of hospitalised patients.” –

            Doing the sum…85% of the population vaccinated = 4.765m (Assuming population of 5.5m) vs 15% unvac = 825,000. Assuming 3000 cases per day of population got infected and 50/50 are vac and unvac = 1500 for each category. Vac = 1500/4,765,000 = 0.03% and unvac = 1500/825,000 = 0.18%. This show that vaccinated people are 6 times less likely to get infected. This is same stat as those reported by CNN /CDC of USA
            Yes the majority of those infected and hospitalised are fully vac, because of the above numbers, not because vaccinated people = hospitalisation.

            “This is not me talking. This is from the Ministry of Health. Those statistics are widely available. Why is the government hiding this number? The only plausible explanation is that the number of unvaccinated hospitalised patients are in fact much lower than what their narrative will admit.”

            One need to dwell deeper into the stats. On the surface, it seems like mostly vaccinated people are hospitalised, but the truth is that a much higher % of unvac are hospitalized when one goes deeper into the stats. This is what I have shown above.

            Gov did not demand that we stay indoor. It recommends that older people should try to stay indoor unless necessary as they are more at risk.

            If Singapore vac rate is low, the infection and death rates would be very much higher as reflected in other countries.

            “The elderly and those with co-morbidities suffer the most.” Finally, I have something that I can agree with you.

            “In contrast, states that lifted lockdowns are restrictions, most notably Scandinavia, Florida and Texas, have seen drops in transmissions, and therefore hospitalisations and deaths. Not that the government will tell you: you have to dig it up yourself.”

            Every countries situation differs. What were their infection and death rates before and after? Provide evidence or stats to support your case.

            The data and science do not concur with your argument.

          2. Cheah avatar

            You pulled the numbers from your assumptions on vaccinated vs unvaccinated patients out of thin air. Even the number of vaccinated and unvaccinated people being infected is an assumption.

            That is not an argument: you are simply doing what you’re accusing me of doing, skewing the argument your way.

            You have shown me nothing except your assumptions, your biases and your projections. You claim ‘data and science’ when you provide none and offer no coherent counterargument.

            You are on the Internet. You have a wealth of knowledge at your disposal. The raw data — not the narrative, the data compiled by third party trackers — is at your fingertips. You need only look for it. But you won’t.

            I have given you everything you need to look for the data yourself. That you will not tells me everything I need to know about what you really want.

            I do not engage people who do not engage in good faith.

            You are done here.

          3. Jeff avatar

            * (Perhaps unknowingly)…

          4. Jeff avatar

            Yes, I shall not waste any more time on this…

  17. Tan avatar

    While I agree on some points regarding the lack of longitudinal studies on the vaccine, I don’t think it’s right to conflate the drive to get vaccinated with some sinister attempt by the govt to exert the form of dictatorship you have drawn as examples. Living in society you have ultimately made a social contract with the G to abide with rules and laws which you may not fully agree. Imagine a society where people lived purely by their choices. It would be a state of anarchy. Laws and rules can be abused but can also serve to protect the interest of the majority. I think the vaccination drive is exactly to do that. Prevent the healthcare sector from being overwhelmed and remain available.
    The very fact that you can share your opinion openly and so have many in the comments section is testimony to the restrain of power which you so fear.
    I rather not go into a discuss on POFMA and keep the discussion about vaccination.

    1. Cheah avatar

      This is a very black and white view of government and civilisation.

      By living in society, you make a social contract with the government—and the government does the same to you.

      The contract lasts only as long as both parties hold up their end. When the government fails to carry out its duty, it has broken the contract, and must be corrected. Failure to do this causes harm to everyone.

      We do not live in a democracy. We live in a republic. The key difference is that in a republic the rights of the minority are protected as well. It’s not happening here. Not any more.

      If the vaccination drive ‘protects the interest of the majority; and ‘prevent the healthcare sector from being overwhelmed and remain available’, then why is it that literally everywhere in the world with mass vaccination drives, huge spikes in transmissions, hospitalisations and deaths follow?

      Israel, Malta, Mongolia, Palestine, UAE, Chile, Bahrain, and now, Singapore.

      Why won’t the media tell you this? Why won’t the government even mention this?

      You claim there isn’t a ‘sinister attempt to exert the form of dictatorship’, but what else do you call lying about Ivermectin, obfuscating Covid data, hyping up the risks of death, and shutting out a minority from participating in society as equal members?

      The very fact that the government has been steadily increasing its powers through passing laws Parliament and through fiats like this points towards a government intent on maximising power — not restraint. The government now possesses more power than Lee Kwan Yew ever had.

      There is nothing to stop the government from one day deciding that sharing opinions like mine are illegal.

      And should that happen, it will be way too late to do anything about it.

      1. Tan avatar

        I agree in fact I would think it’s a lot more grey. It isn’t just protection of the majority of people who are Low risk isn’t it? It’s protecting the vulnerable, the aged, those with co-morbidities. Unfortunately we are subjected to limitations on our freedoms to protect those groups of people.
        I agree the government is able to wield substantial power to dictate the narrative but we do not live in an information black box. I do not think there is an overactive attempt to censor alternative views on medical treatment for Covid. In any case there is always the internet.
        I am not convinced that the government is capitalising in the pandemic to consolidate power. What benefit does it gain by “forcing” people to vaccinate ? It is a show of strength ? I like to think it’s probably the best collective decision based on medical opinion of the day( this may be proven otherwise in the future, but hindsight is 20/20 and decisions need to be made today)
        By the way I think the majority of more liberal governments also espouse vaccination as the way forward, so I don’t think we are advancing the dictatoral agenda here.
        The premise of the governments’ ability to do what they want has been it’s ability to deliver on public goods. That’s why despite all the chatter, they continue to be voted in. While hard to stomach, the majority still believes that the social contract is being upheld.
        Regarding the low death rate, do you not think the restrictions and measures contributed to our Low fatality rate ?
        One thing I thought that was miscommunicated at the start of the pandemic was the optimism that vaccination would prevent infection. I noticed that it slowly shifted to vaccination will prevent a severe reaction to the infection.
        Again I can emphasise as you have identified the situation was evolving rapidly and we simply did not have the luxury of data of the long term effectiveness of the vaccine.
        I guess the G could have been conservative to under promise and over deliver but look weak, clueless and indecisive. Or it could do what it did to provide an assessment and hope for the best, U turn or adjust if and when the time comes.
        Both have pros and cons. Like I mentioned it’s more grey than black or white.

        1. Cheah avatar

          ” It’s protecting the vulnerable, the aged, those with co-morbidities. Unfortunately we are subjected to limitations on our freedoms to protect those groups of people.”

          If it’s about protection, the world should be encouraging people to spend time outdoors in the sun, where they are least at risk of infection.

          That the world insists everyone shut themselves indoors, where 99% of infections take place, should tell you that it’s not about protection.

          And this is just the most obvious example of many.

          “I do not think there is an overactive attempt to censor alternative views on medical treatment for Covid. In any case there is always the internet.”

          Go on social media. Go on Google. Go to the mainstream media.

          Look up Ivermectin and hydrochloroquine. See the stream of articles condemning them. Look at Facebook ‘fact checks’ and ‘false information’ notices.

          Now look for the white papers that actually studied these effects — those that are not funded by Big Pharma.

          Compare these results with what you’ll find on Brave search engine or Presearch.

          Then come back and tell me again there’s no censorship and that there’s always the Internet.

          “I am not convinced that the government is capitalising in the pandemic to consolidate power. What benefit does it gain by “forcing” people to vaccinate ? It is a show of strength ?”

          The government rammed through early elections in 2020. It passed regulations that prevented politicians from making outdoor rallies — which is the main strategy of the opposition.

          The government passed laws to criminalise everyone who violated the new infection controls measures — even if they didn’t actually spread the disease.

          The government has used this period to further consolidate its power using POFMA and now the passage of FICA.

          By passing laws, the government grows. The government has grown significantly during the pandemic.

          What does it gain by forcing people to vaccinate? Simple.

          If the government can force you to wear the mask and take the jab, they can force you to do everything else. You’ve already been conditioned to obey for days, weeks, months. You’ve been conditioned to view them as the source of your freedoms, income and life. You’ve been conditioned to become dependent on them.

          Once you are conditioned to trust and obey, they can pass even more extreme measures. And you will obey and support them.

          “I like to think it’s probably the best collective decision based on medical opinion of the day( this may be proven otherwise in the future, but hindsight is 20/20 and decisions need to be made today)”

          The data already shows that the Covid vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines ever developed in the history of mankind. At the same time, the establishment is condemning alternative treatments that are much, much safer.

          How is this the ‘best collective decision’?

          “By the way I think the majority of more liberal governments also espouse vaccination as the way forward, so I don’t think we are advancing the dictatoral agenda here.”

          Have you seen what’s going on in the West? How do not know about governments forcing employers to fire unvaccinated workers, of hospitals denying treatments to unvaccinated patients, of governments treating unvaccinated people as second class citizens?

          Could it be because the mainstream media isn’t telling you this? That you won’t find this anywhere unless you know how to bypass the Establishment tech?

          “The premise of the governments’ ability to do what they want has been it’s ability to deliver on public goods. That’s why despite all the chatter, they continue to be voted in. While hard to stomach, the majority still believes that the social contract is being upheld.”

          Singapore’s opposition is feckless. The government has shown its inability to control the pandemic. That perception is changing.

          “Regarding the low death rate, do you not think the restrictions and measures contributed to our Low fatality rate ?”

          Data from overseas concerning restrictions clearly show that restrictions and measures have no significant impact on fatalities. Masks, lockdowns, closure of public spaces, none of these work.

          Countries that embarked on mass vaccination programs saw spikes in Covid cases and deaths. It is still going on in Mongolia, Palestine, and Southeast Asia.

          Why isn’t this in the media? Why haven’t you heard of this? Why hasn’t Google told you?

          “We simply did not have the luxury of data of the long term effectiveness of the vaccine.”

          We do now. Look at the chart I presented in my article. The government is deliberately hiding vaccine deaths from the public. It is still pushing vaccines and is still sliming alternative treatments despite this data.

          And mind you, the vaccines are still experimental. Any other drug in any other time in history with even one-tenth of the adverse reactions would have been halted immediately. But here we are now.

          Here’s the question I want to leave you with:

          Do you trust that the Establishment — the governments, the media, Big Pharma, Big Tech, everyone who benefits from the pandemic, vaccines and restrictions — is acting in good faith?

          Or do you wish to see with your own eyes?

          1. SK avatar

            I’m not in Singapore but have been following as a foreigner wanting to desperately understand this pandemic, I’ve been following the trajectory in Singapore since 2020. I can tell you I was really disappointed when the MOH stopped providing fatalities, infections and hospitalizations by immune status and instead clubbed everyone not passed 14 days after their second vaccination as “Unvaccinated/Partially Vaccinated”.

            Singapore government is still giving the breakdown in deaths by vaccination status but I am sure like the Israeli Governments recent retrospective scrubbing of their dashboard, they will stop this too. Soon. I predict when the number of partially vaccinated dying becomes untenable, they will have to hide this fact. Currently, the partially vaccinated are dying at almost twice the rate I reckon of the 12+ unvaccinated population. We are not told whether the partially vaccinated died within a few days or after several weeks of their last dose or how many doses they had.

            Since “full” vaccination cannot be achieved directly and requires tricking or coercing people into going into a heightened state of vulnerability where they either die or get severe disease…I do not consider the so called efficacy of the “fully vaccinated” anything other than survivorship bias, not dissimilar to surviving Covid and then bragging about having immunity.

            Thank you for your willingness to fight for what is right. We do not stand a chance if everyone is simply burying their head in the sand and ignore the clear malfeasance of those who we are paying to at least not lie.

            Oh. And I was banned from social media. So the idea that we can openly talk with scientific curiosity about things we care about is not simply possible anymore on the internet. I’m left with trying to find people like you and leaving comments on their personal websites where I do not fear censorship yet. Example comment:


            Never give in. We have to stop this madness.

        2. Jeff avatar

          Thank you for your objective response to the article.

          1. Jeff avatar

            My comment “Thank you for your objective response to the article.” is for Tan reply to this article.

  18. M.el avatar

    Thanks for articulating it in such a succinct way on behalf of many people disagreeing with the latest restriction against unvac in the name of ‘protection’. Thanks for replying to questions raised by other readers making the argument even clearer. I hope more S’poreans will get to read it, think about the points, and ask some serious questions.

    Aside: Glad to see you quoted Solzhenitsyn, are you seeing warning signs that SG is sliding into a socialist/communist mindset, or worse embracing its ideology? Just curious.

    1. Cheah avatar

      You’re welcome.

      I’m seeing the warning signs everywhere in the world that has embraced lockdowns and demonisation of unvaccinated people, not just Singapore.

  19. Cool cucumber avatar
    Cool cucumber

    In the next step, the hope is for the population to reach a level of natural immunity to safeguard all, with as little strain on the hospitals as possible. Then, hopefully, the world can be free from the clutches of Covid.

    As for immunisation, it’s the same for the other diseases. The statistical improvement is not significant. But a life saved is a life.

    1. Jon doe avatar
      Jon doe

      Cheah your arguments are perfect. I agree with u comepletely. I am vaxxed but societal pressure is overwhelming. Argued with friends over this pathetic issue. Sad fact is many are just busy working to delve too much into all these facts.
      Not to mention the endless brainwashing from ST

    2. Max avatar

      Don’t you get it. It’s all downhill from here. Covid19 has a convex cost curve – that is, ever-increasing costs – on the basis that it cannot be eliminated. NZ has recently given up on the zero covid strategy. No one can stop this virus by a top-down mandate. Just doesn’t work. Only gives the Gov more power. By all means keep giving the gov more power, because that’s what it takes to eliminate a virus.

      A 2020 study by health economist Katharina Janke of Lancaster University found the increase in unemployment that followed the 2008 financial crisis led to 900,000 extra people with chronic illness in the UK over two years.

      This is 10 times worst. This would explain the high suicide rate, swaths of unspoken mental health issues, livelihoods destroyed, etc. Unlike the Covid19 report card, these are currently not acknowledged or put on a graph. They take a back seat and can never be measured for years to come, which makes it a deadly silent killer. Over 450 suicides in 2020. More than half below the age of 60. Child suicide rates highest in Japan… etc…. Do the digging…. And you say a life saved is a life? What about children who have their whole lives ahead and older people isolated from the people committing suicide in the background? You’re not going to acknowledge them??

      Isn’t it ironic that the virus was the silent killer at the beginning, but we can measure and contain it so well now.

      Ignorance is bliss is it??

  20. Patrick Low avatar

    Dear Benjamin,

    As long as people like you n Alexander Solzhenitsyn exist on the face of this earth the terror of the Gulag n the medical tyranny of our bunch of morons will crumble into the dust of oblivion. History is a long time in the making but dictatorships have a way of disintegrating when they least expect it. And Benjamin you have the Patience of Job wielding a scalpel dat can lance the boils of the most bloated scumbags in our self-proclaimed aristocracy

    An unprecedented earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter Scale is currently building up sending seismic waves through the Little Red Dot. It will produce a tsunami which will eventually sweep away this current bunch of parasites which has out-lived their usefulness even to themselves.


  21. TJY avatar

    Hi Benjamin, thanks for writing on this issue with clarity.

  22. Patrick Low avatar

    Dear Benjamin n Fellow Singaporeans

    There are other folks like Ms Iris Koh who are also in the forefront speaking out against Medical Tyranny. Her “Heal the Divide” campaign is focussed passionately and diligently trying to get the message out to the powers that be dat they should try to listen to the distraught voices of the people some of whom are on the verge of taking their own lives for they know not how to cope with the new raft of discriminatory policies imposed upon them today.
    But from the President down to the MPs in the Tanjong Pagar GRC they have all turned a blind eye to her email n pleas sent to them over the past few days.

    It is clear that this government has no wish to see hear or speak about the Evil/Good dat dey are inflicting on the people of Singapore. They just want to bury the corpses of the more than 140 people who died this year as quickly as possible. They want no enquiries n dey want to make doubly sure dat no tombstone will be turned over on the graves of those who died of the Coronavirus n whatever the co-morbidities alleged.

    The system dey have created is sealed so tight dat nothing will get through to them. Separated in their individual silos dey cannot see hear or do anything to change the system. That system eill end up choking and axphyiating Singaporeans who will die for lack of oxygen.

    But deep in their silos dey may be able to feel the tremors of the seismic quake dat is building up in the Little Red Dot. These tremors are but the early warnings of the tsunami that will come crashing down on them in 2025 or thereabout.

  23. Kok Ming Cheang avatar
    Kok Ming Cheang

    Excellent piece of writing.

  24. Teh avatar

    Covid 19 will stay beyond year 2023 because the USELESS gan has announced Sg will start to manufacture the vaccine for covid19 starting from year 2023.

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