Tag: Malaysia
More Islamic than thou in Malaysia
Malaysia’s policies of defending and enforcing Islamic norms are coming around to bite it in the back.
Sliming Alvin Tan: Non-news and moral guardianship
Singaporean journalism reached new depths by sliming a man in the name of news.
Apples and oranges are fruit
Why the Malaysian government should drop the concepts of Malay superiority and disentangle Islam from the Malay identity, and why it will not.
The politics of choice, faith and inclusiveness
Building good relations and empowering individuals is sound politics. This is inferred from current events in Malaysia and France.
The triumph of unreason
The Malaysian government’s argument that banning the use of ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims is fatally flawed, and will lead to more conflict instead of decreasing it.
The politics of a word
My take on PAS’ statement that ‘Allah’ may be used by all members of the Abrahamic faiths, and its political implications.