Lawrence Khong's performance is not Lawrence Khong
By pressuring IKEA to stop promoting Lawrence Khong’s performance because of Khong’s views, interest groups are saying that they do not disapprove of pressure tactics and coercion, so long as they are the ones doing it.
Between Gender Stereotypes and Dogma
Take a step away from the controversy surrounding Focus on the Family, and instead use the opportunity to think about a new model of sexuality and relationship education to meet the needs of youths.
Romance v. Reality
A comparison of Alex Au and M Ravi’s take on a constitutional challenge of Section 377A, and my reading of both.
Bridging Worlds
I cover a film screening and a dialogue session between the faith and LBGT communities in Singapore.
The Problem with Pink Dot
Pink Dot’s main failing is its failure to face the fear, ignorance, and prejudice underlying problems faced by the LBGT community. For all its good intentions, I don’t think Pink Dot can achieve much.