Tag: free story

  • The Big Based Book Sale!

    Big Publishing doesn’t care about readers. Month after month, year after year, Big Publisher churns out message fic for the express purpose of cramming an agenda down your throat. It’s preachy, it’s boring, and it’s on purpose. They don’t publish stories to serve readers. They do it to serve their agenda. And they keep anyone…

  • Angel of Blades Part 5

    Angel A perfect darkness engulfed Sabaia’s arena. Striding through the stairwell door, Luisa saw nothing but pitch blackness, heard nothing but total silence, sensed nothing but complete emptiness. Her mental map spanned the entirety of the circular hall. The walls were smooth, the floor level, all traces of the previous battle completely erased. The fissures…

  • Angel of Blades Part 4

    Flight after flight, floor after floor, she climbed the stairs. She thought of nothing, she felt nothing, she focused solely on putting one boot in front of the other, over and over and over. Round and round and round she went, forever turning clockwise. She kept her hand on the handle of her sword, ready…

  • Angel of Blades Part 3

    Crimson Twilight She burned. She Leveled. She burned again. Over and over and over again, so many times she had lost count. Her muscles ached, her bones throbbed, her nerves smoldered, and still she continued. Sweat poured off her in great sheets. Her eyes, temples and great veins throbbed in time with her heart. Her…

  • Angel of Blades Part 2

    Burn She fell. The wind whistled past her ears. War cries and furious howls carried from above. Cannon fire and blasts passed through the gash in the ceiling. She fell. By the dimming light of the dying flares, she saw nothing but darkness. Darkness yawned before her. Darkness encircled her. Darkness embraced her. She fell.…

  • Angel of Blades Part 1

     We have now come to the last of the three webserials I’ve prepared for March. As a quick recap, I am looking to gather feedback on which story concept you enjoy the most so I can develop the idea into a full-fledged series. In the first story, ROAD TO CHEQUN, we have a tale of cultivators…