Tag: eBooks

  • SIGNAL BOOST: The Ronin Genesis by Steven Hildreth Jr.

    I’ve known Steven for 13 years and counting. Back then, we were newcomers on the writing scene with more ambition than skill. Nonetheless, we kept each other going over the years, even though I veered off into science fiction and fantasy while he stayed a purebred thriller writer. With THE RONIN GENESIS, I can confidently…

  • I, ESCHATON is live!

    I, ESCHATON is live and ready for sale! The third entry of the American Heirs series, this story picks up where KEEPERS OF THE FLAME left off, taking Master Sergeant Christopher Miller into a new battlefield. To quote the blurb: — Master Sergeant Christopher Miller has returned home from war, but war has come to find…

  • Chapter 2 of I, Eschaton

    The second chapter of my upcoming work I, Eschaton.

  • Price revisions for Payhip and Keepers of the Flame

    My ebook prices on Payhip have been sharply revised, and so has the price for Keepers of the Flame in paperback. Also, I reveal the title of the next entry in American Heirs.

  • Lessons from Failure

    In the technology field, a popular mantra goes, Fail early and fail often. The idea being to try out new ideas while the company is still new, understand your mistakes, then incorporate these lessons into future products. I’ve been applying this to my writing, figuring out what works and what doesn’t. Along the way I learned that this…

  • Sidestepping #VATMESS: My new approach to ebook pricing

    My new approach to pricing in the wake of #VATMESS