Tag: Blogging

  • Changing the Game

    The recipe for indie publishing success is well known. To become a bestselling author who rakes in the dough every month, you need to obey the following principles: Write in a hot genre that readers want and you can do Create a deep series — at least 5, preferably more books Produce high-quality cover for…

  • Thoughts on Jirel of Joiry

    Mention the words ‘Strong Female Character’ and immediately a visage of a tigress fills your head. She is powerful and fearless, unbeatable in combat, sexually alluring, takes no nonsense from anyone, and can best any man in any masculine pursuit. It’s a trope solidified over decades of repetition on the silver screen and the printed…

  • Looking Back on 2018, Planning for 2019

    2018 was my most productive year yet. My focus on Pulp Speed has paid off, allowing me to write and publish more stories than I thought possible. Unfortunately, not everything went according to plan. In 2018, I published a novel and 14 short stories. If the short stories were compiled by theme, there is probably…

  • What Makes a Hero?

    A couple of days ago, Rawle Nyanzi made a thoughtful post about virtue and heroism. I think he hit the nail on the head by attacking the notion that heroism and villainy are subjective. Heroes can be found in every corner of the globe. From Chinese wuxia tales to Western knights-errant, classical Japanese samurai to modern day manga…

  • 2017 in Retrospect

    I joined Steemit a year ago. It was easily one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Steemit has changed my life for the better in so many ways. It incentivizes regular content creation, content that adds significant value to readers. Where most of the Internet rewards clickbait and fluff, here’s a barrier-free site where…

  • PulpRev Invades Steemit!

    Comrades! As the Herald of PulpRev, the first among our number to plant our flag on Steemit, I do declare that Steemit is perfect for our needs. It is virgin ground, ripe for the taking, filled with eager audiences hungry for our work, ready to yield untold rewards for the bold, the creative and the…