Tag: Action
Babylon Red Chapter 1 Preview
The IndieGoGo campaign for Babylon Red has reached 38% of its funding goal! To celebrate, here’s chapter 1 of the exclusive novel! — Movement was meditation. Meditation was movement. Embodying these twinned concepts, Yuri Yamamoto walked the streets of ArcoShanti. Designed in reverence of the human form, it was a town disguised as a neighborhood,…
DUNGEON SAMURAI VOL. 2: KAMI NO KISHI now available for preorder!
Volume 2 of the pulse-pounding DUNGEON SAMURAI series is now available for preorder inĀ Amazon! Featuring more samurai action, more ferocious monsters and more DOKI-DOKI, Vol. 2 is the most authentic dungeon crawler isekai story yet. To find out more about Vol. 2, check out the blurb below. — Six months after being spirited away to…
The Problem with Pink Dot
Pink Dot’s main failing is its failure to face the fear, ignorance, and prejudice underlying problems faced by the LBGT community. For all its good intentions, I don’t think Pink Dot can achieve much.
Going beyond faith and harmony
A person who insults another’s faith should be handled via community moderation, as the law is inadequate to such matters and no physical harm is done.