Tag: Singularity Sunrise

  • Where Politics and Business Collide

    In cyberpunk fiction, megacorps rule the world. But in our world, why would they? Old-school cyberpunk fiction was framed as a critique of hypercapitalism. Megacorporations have the same political clout as governments, if not more so. They are the true rulers of the world. Their word is law, and their agents are above the law.…


    The Singularity is coming. A future of unfathomable technological change awaits. But will it be a future of liberty and abundance? Or a future ruled by tyrants and cold machines? This is the question at the heart of my latest series SINGULARITY SUNRISE. A five-book cyberpunk espionage saga, it is a globe-trotting adventure packed with…

  • The Singularity is Coming!

    The Singularity is coming. A future of unfathomable technological progress awaits. But will it be a future of freedom and abundance? Or a future ruled by tyrants and cold machines? SINGULARITY SUNRISE is a post-cyberpunk espionage thriller series, coming soon on IndieGoGo. Psychic spies, elite mercenaries, killer robots, megacorps, and an AI in search of…

  • Free Ebook Giveaway!

    As his term of service in the Special Military Police draws to a close, Sergeant Li Ming is looking forward to the next chapter in life. But with one week to go, his unit is called up for the most dangerous mission of his career. Backed by beasts, magic, and powerful cultivators, a powerful secret…