Tag: Singularity Sunrise
The Obsolescence of Man and the Search for the Soul
What can a man do that a machine can’t? In the world of Singularity Sunrise, where robotics and AI threaten to replace humans in every major field, one of the few things that cannot be quantified, mechanised and reproduced by machines is psychic powers. Don’t expect Hollywood-or anime-type powers here. In this universe, psychic powers…
Espionage in a Cyberpunk World
Information is king. In a world where empires rise and fall with the news cycle, where machines gorge on seas of data and produce oceans of information, where a single publicized fact is more devastating than an atomic bomb, information is the lifeblood of civilizations. In Singularity Sunrise, where advances in critical technologies produce a…
Where War and Politics Converge
War is a continuation of politics by other means. And in the world of Singularity Sunrise, politics is war by other means. The Singularity promises infinite rewards to any nation that first achieves it. Governments and megacorps are locked in a struggle to decide the fate of humanity. Every actor plays for the highest stakes;…
The Martial Arts of Singularity Sunrise
How do you fight a full-body cyborg with unbreakable bones, Olympian muscles, superhuman reflexes, and the stamina of an Energizer battery? Pop culture grappled with this question in games, movies, books, manga and more, with varying degrees of realism. At one end of the scale, we have the patently ridiculous, with superpowered cybernetic demi-gods using…
The New Dystopia
The government is always watching you. And the people too. Today, mass surveillance is a way of life. CCTVs, government censors, smartphones, smart home appliances, everything with an Internet connection and data collection capability is silently watching and recording you. China is rolling out a social credit system; if it succeeds, other countries will follow…
Seven (and a half) days after the campaign went live, SINGULARITY SUNRISE is funded! I’m astonished and grateful by the support I’ve received. This campaign is easily the best-performing crowdfunding campaign I’ve carried out. SINGULARITY SUNRISE is heading into full pre-production mode. Going forward, let’s talk stretch goals. SINGULARITY SUNRISE is complete. Most crowdfunding campaigns…