Tag: Publishing

  • Singularity Sunrise 2: The Silicon Road is live!

    As West Africa recovers from economic collapse, Anatol Corporation sees new opportunities. Central to Anatol’s plans is the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor, the silicon road that unites the region’s megacities. It is virgin territory, promising rich rewards—and hidden dangers. Anatol sends their trump card: Eden, the world’s first sapient AI, embedded in their sales team. Escorting them…

  • The Covenant Chronicles 3: Prince of Shadows is live!

    THE OLD GODS ARE COMING BACK! When a black op goes awry, the Nemesis Project pulls deniable operator Luke Landon off the line. But while mortal authorities want him to stand down, the gods aren’t done with him yet. Pressed into a secret war between infernal and divine powers, Landon is thrust into a new…


    The 22nd century brings an era of technological wonders—and horrors. Cybernetics and genetic engineering. Mass surveillance and social credit. Full body cyborgs and nanoscale engineering. And the pinnacle of human achievement: machine intelligence. Edenet is the next generation of the Internet. Designed by Anatol Corporation, it will bring the power of a supercomputer to the…

  • Singularity Sunrise 1: EDENET available for preorder!

    The 22nd century brings an era of technological wonders—and horrors. Cybernetics and genetic engineering. Mass surveillance and social credit. Full body cyborgs and nanoscale engineering. And the pinnacle of human achievement: machine intelligence. Edenet is the next generation of the Internet. Designed by Anatol Corporation, it will bring the power of a supercomputer to the…

  • The Quest for Pulp Speed Continues!

    Write fast, write well, write often. This is Pulp Speed, the foundation of pulp-style writing. With a hungry market always eager for more fiction, the pulp writer earns his bread by feeding the market everything it wants, as quickly as he can. To survive in the cutthroat business of pulp writing in the 1920s, writers…

  • BABYLON BLUES is now available!

    Faith, demons and firefights in neon-drenched streets! In Nova Babylonia, the New Gods rule with an iron fist. Only one group dares to challenge their reign: the elite law enforcers of the Special Tasks Section. Lethal and incorruptible, they form the thin blue line between humanity and Hell on Earth. Within the STS, the most…