Tag: Indie Publishing

  • I, ESCHATON ready for preorder!

    I, Eschaton is ready for reorder!

  • Chapter 1 of I, ESCHATON

    Sneak preview of I, ESCHATON, coming very soon.

  • A Deeper Silence

    On Wednesday my computer broke down without warning. I suspect it’s a hard disk drive failure, but time will tell the true cause. The digital silence that followed gave me the time I needed to coalesce some thoughts that were floating about in my mind, specifically pertaining to silence and speech. As an introvert, silence comes…

  • Lessons from Failure

    In the technology field, a popular mantra goes, Fail early and fail often. The idea being to try out new ideas while the company is still new, understand your mistakes, then incorporate these lessons into future products. I’ve been applying this to my writing, figuring out what works and what doesn’t. Along the way I learned that this…

  • Revisiting Writing and Marketing

    In the days and weeks following the publication of Keepers of the Flame, I’ve been writing short stories and novellas, some standalone, some proof-of-concepts for future stories. It was practice, and it was to build up a portfolio of works for submission. But through the pen I am beginning to uncover the enigma that is…

  • Sidestepping #VATMESS: My new approach to ebook pricing

    My new approach to pricing in the wake of #VATMESS