Tag: Horror

  • The Merging of Cyberpunk and Horror

    When you think about it, cyberpunk and horror share much in common. Cyberpunk was a reaction to the perceived excesses of capitalism and globalisation. The erosion of identity and community, leaving behind a profound sense of alienation and isolation. The domination of corporations and governments, creating a world that elevates power and profits over people.…

  • Babylon Black: The Story So Far

    Babylon is on the brink of annihilation. Everyone can see it. No one can stop it. The New Gods know that a single misstep will spark a conflagration no one can put out. They pursue their grand designs anyway. With every act of aggression, the tension ratchets higher. A quarrel at a bar provokes a…

  • Welcome Back to Babylon

    Yuri Yamamoto is back. After two years of self-imposed exile, the disgraced operator turned street samurai has come home to Babylon. Just in time for the country to tear itself apart. The armies of the New Gods are on the march. Monsters in human skin await activation orders. Spies and deniable operatives wage a war…

  • Three Storytellers, Two Listeners, One Story

    In his essay ‘The Counterfactual Dialectic’ in Pulp on Pulp, Misha Burnett discusses the use of dialectic to determine what is said to the reader, how it is said, and what the reader will take away from it. I loved the concept so much, I used it for my own work Diary of A Bomoh—with…

  • The Lies of DIARY OF A BOMOH

    Fiction tells truth through lies. The writer knows the story is make-believe. The reader knows the story is make-believe. Yet when the story is told, both parties agree to treat it as real. The events in the story are real. The characters are real. The world is real. Everything within the pages of the story…

  • The Based Fall Book Sale!

    Hans G Schantz is back with his seasonal book sale! For the Fall 2022 edition, he’s put together a humongous list of free and discounted books. There are so many books, he had to split them into no less than four separate pages! A number of luminaries grace this season’s sale, including: Declan Finn, John…