Tag: Religion

  • The Appeal of the Islamic State

    Yesterday The Middle Ground published an opinion piece titled A Young Muslim on ISIS. While it approaches the Islamic State (henceforth called Daesh here) from the perspective of a Muslim, the writer makes a few generalities that don’t hold up. Crucially, he says: “My sense is, if you add a dash of ignorance and a sprinkle…

  • Lawrence Khong's performance is not Lawrence Khong

    By pressuring IKEA to stop promoting Lawrence Khong’s performance because of Khong’s views, interest groups are saying that they do not disapprove of pressure tactics and coercion, so long as they are the ones doing it.

  • Looking Beyond Terror

    If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles -Sun Tzu, Art of War This letter on the TODAY newspaper forum reflects an understandable, but naive, sentiment about terrorism. The writer argues that terrorism has no religion, and that all terrorists should simply be called terrorists without…

  • Shades of Offence in Multireligious Singapore

    The failings of Singapore’s policy on religious harmony can be seen in the Catholic Church’s latest campaign to cancel a theme party.

  • Bridging Worlds

    I cover a film screening and a dialogue session between the faith and LBGT communities in Singapore.

  • Our Daily Sacrilege

    Religion is a matter of personal choice. Respect for religion simply means acknowledging it as a separate path.