Tag: Publishing

  • Re-Thinking Singapore Writing

    The closure of Kinokuniya at JEM leaves just two branches of the iconic Japanese bookstore in Singapore. Neil Humphreys penned a Facebook post describing his thoughts. While I share much of his sentiments, the reality is that the fiction industry has changed. Things are never going to return to the way they used to be.…

  • The Saga of Babylon Red, or, A Tale of Megacorp Horror

    I am the author and copyright holder of the webserial collection Babylon Red. I signed off every chapter of Babylon Red with my Chinese name. I am the owner of kitsuncheah.com. No matter how many times I repeat this, Amazon doesn’t believe me. Following a successful IndieGoGo campaign to fund Babylon Red, I submitted the…


    The Singularity will not be civilized! Two AIs struggle for supremacy. Eden, the ghost in a decentralized global supercomputer network, sworn to empower and liberate its users. Zhi Zun, the electronic emperor of China, with the power of life and death over a billion subjects. At stake is the future of humanity: a future of…

  • Pulp on Pulp is Available for Preorder!

    Last year, Misha Burnett and I put together a call for submissions for an anthology of essays on pulp fiction. Titled Pulp on Pulp, it collects tips, tricks and advice on the art of writing pulp fiction from some of the up and coming names in the growing PulpRev movement. Pulp on Pulp was meant…

  • Looking Back on 2020, Looking Forward to 2021

    2020 shook up the entire world. Yet somehow, my writing, and my blog, saw modest growth. For years, on days when I didn’t post anything, my blog saw a daily visitor count in the single digits. Now it has broken into the double digits on silent days. Visitor counts on days where I do post…

  • Confessions of A Keyboard Monkey

    I wear many hats. As a writer, I’m Singapore’s first Hugo and Dragon Award nominated writer. As a blogger, I co-founded The Online Citizen and sparked the rise of citizen journalism in Singapore. Martial artist, soldier, husband, son, student, coach, I’ve been many things to many people. As myself, I am a keyboard monkey. The…