Tag: Indie Writing

  • Singularity Sunrise Book 1 Cover and Blurb Reveal!

    The 22nd century brings an era of technological wonders—and horrors. Cybernetics and genetic engineering. Mass surveillance and social credit. Full body cyborgs and nanoscale engineering. And the pinnacle of human achievement: machine intelligence. Edenet is the next generation of the Internet. Designed by Anatol Corporation, it will bring the power of a supercomputer to the…

  • Changing the Game

    The recipe for indie publishing success is well known. To become a bestselling author who rakes in the dough every month, you need to obey the following principles: Write in a hot genre that readers want and you can do Create a deep series — at least 5, preferably more books Produce high-quality cover for…

  • Why I Write

    Much of modern entertainment is a garbage fire. Many male characters are weak, wimpy and wishy-washy. They exist not as men in their own right, but simply to make the designed Strong Female Character look even more powerful when contrasted against their incompetence. Shounen protagonists inevitably run away screaming at the first signs of romance and emotional…

  • The Way of the Pulps

    A few days ago, I had the privilege of reading the synopsis of a trilogy being written by a fellow Singaporean. It was an honest-to-goodness Sword and Planet story, like Star Wars crossed with Final Fantasy. Holy warrior maidens, mind-altering magics, political intrigue, interstellar travel and warfare, it was like reading a revival of an…

  • Chasing Literary Awards Won’t Promote Singlit

    Epigram Books, a Singaporean publisher, is aiming for the Man Booker Prize. As part of its goal, it has opened an imprint in the United Kingdom, so that its offerings will be eligible for the Prize. Founder Edmund Wee believes that the publicity generated from such an achievement “would be a turning point for people…

  • No One is Obliged to Read You

    I approach writing as a craftsman. I produce stories for sale on the market. I measure my success in book reviews, social media engagements and royalties. My goal is to entertain my readers, and if I can communicate deeper ideas in my stories, all the better. For professional writers, it doesn’t matter if a story…