Category: Updates

  • Looking Back, Planning Ahead: 2023 Edition

    As 2022 draws to a close, I can confidently say that few people would want to live through it again. Certainly I wouldn’t. Though there’s been a let up in the madness since Covid mania gripped the world, we’re a long way off from what we used to call ‘normal’. It may well be that…

  • Looking Back on 2020, Looking Forward to 2021

    2020 shook up the entire world. Yet somehow, my writing, and my blog, saw modest growth. For years, on days when I didn’t post anything, my blog saw a daily visitor count in the single digits. Now it has broken into the double digits on silent days. Visitor counts on days where I do post…

  • Singularity Sunrise Book 1 Cover and Blurb Reveal!

    The 22nd century brings an era of technological wonders—and horrors. Cybernetics and genetic engineering. Mass surveillance and social credit. Full body cyborgs and nanoscale engineering. And the pinnacle of human achievement: machine intelligence. Edenet is the next generation of the Internet. Designed by Anatol Corporation, it will bring the power of a supercomputer to the…

  • Changing the Game

    The recipe for indie publishing success is well known. To become a bestselling author who rakes in the dough every month, you need to obey the following principles: Write in a hot genre that readers want and you can do Create a deep series — at least 5, preferably more books Produce high-quality cover for…

  • Seven Manuscripts and Other Hassles

    At this moment, I have seven completed manuscripts on my desk. One short story, six novels, and a non-fiction book. All of them need to be edited. While it’s a good problem to have, it does mean I won’t be writing new fiction for a while. But that’s all right. I’ll be using the downtime…

  • Towards 2020

    In January, I set out to write a series. Comprised of one short story and five full-length novels, it is a post-cyberpunk saga set in the world on the brink of a new technological epoch, titled SINGULARITY SUNRISE. Yesterday, I wrote the last word on the last page of the last book. The first draft…