Category: Uncategorized

  • Deep Stories and Hyperreal Tales

    The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side. And great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore. And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth…

  • Super Summer Book Sale 2022!

    Sick of woke culture? Looking for exciting indie fiction? The Super Summer Book Sale has got you covered. Organized by Hans Schantz, there are over 150 titles priced at $0.99 or FREE! The sale is so massive, it is split into three sections. You can find the details here. The sale runs from 15 to…

  • Building a Parallel Society

    Man is a social animal. It is the greatest strength and fundamental failing of humanity. Through collaboration and cooperation, humanity has conquered the elements, built wonders that lasted the ages, and explored the deepest oceans and the frontiers of space. By means of manipulation, propaganda, influence, coercion, peer pressure and excommunication, tyrants and their minions…

  • A Breather from Vaccine Discrimination

    Today, Singapore will lift most vaccine discrimination measures. While it’s welcome news, there remains much to be wary about. By shutting the unvaccinated out from accessing essential services, malls and the workplace, vaccine discrimination measures reduce the unvaccinated to the status of second-class citizens. All the government has done is to return to you most—not…

  • Unmaking the Singapore Dream

    Study hard. Get good grades. Get a good job. Work hard. Live a comfortable life. The essence of the Singapore Dream. The tried-and-true formula since 1965. Everyone born and bred in this city was waned on it alongside their mother’s milk. Stick to this path, and you will never go wrong. Until the dream shatters.…

  • C. L. Cannon’s Fantasy and Sci Fi Book Fair March 2022!

    C. L. Cannon’s March 2022 Fantasy & Sci Fi Book Fair gathers over 150 of the hottest books in the indie publishing space today. Spanning such diverse genres as cyberpunk, urban fantasy, young adult, GameLit and more, the Book Fair offers something for everyone who enjoys SFF! My own books Dungeon Samurai Vol. 1: Kamikaze…