Category: Uncategorized

  • SAGA OF THE SWORDBREAKER: Week 1 Update and Sneak Preview!

    We are 1 week into SAGA OF THE SWORDBREAKER: INVINCIBLE UNDER HEAVEN and the campaign is already 30% funded! I’m grateful to everyone who supported the campaign. Please continue to spread the word and take the campaign to the finish line! INVINCIBLE UNDER HEAVEN isn’t just a regular crowdfunding campaign. It’s also an effort to…


    天下无敌。 Invincible under heaven. The title every martial artist aspires to. To one who holds this title, the world is his oyster, with which sword he will open. In pursuit of this dream, every cultivator of the rivers and lakes tirelessly pursues power—no matter the cost. Li Ming used to follow that path. He obsessed…

  • The End of the Everyman

    Just stay quiet and you will be okay. Mohammad Atta, 11 September, 2001 Meet John Doe. He’s a solid citizen, if somewhat boring. He holds a steady job, one that isn’t exactly glamorous, but is of value to society. He has a supportive family and community, he has ordinary hobbies, he is the very definition…

  • The Dalai Lama Deception

    The Dalai Lama was caught on camera sexually assaulting a boy. He is a pedophile of the worst degree. He must disrobe and the world must denounce him. If you believe that story, congratulations: you’ve fallen for the Dalai Lama Deception. The Business of Attention and Agendas The video clip purportedly documenting the Dalai Lama’s…

  • Babylon Black Week 3 Update!

    Babylon Black enters its third week. With 31% and 10 days to go, the finishing line is in sight! Babylon Black is a tale of asymmetric warfare against false gods, cosmic horrors, and the cults that serve them. With the New Gods enjoying near-total dominion over mortal affairs, a dissident’s tradecraft must be dead-on to…

  • Guy Gavriel Kay’s Religion Without Religion

    Western fantasy was a Christian genre. The great fantasists of the early-to-mid 20th century—J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Lord Dunsany—imbued their works with Christian influences. It was the culture that they, their peers and their readers were immersed in. Today, the opposite sentiment dominates fantasy. Today we have the grimdarkness of George R.…