Category: Publishing


    The Singularity will not be civilized! Two AIs struggle for supremacy. Eden, the ghost in a decentralized global supercomputer network, sworn to empower and liberate its users. Zhi Zun, the electronic emperor of China, with the power of life and death over a billion subjects. At stake is the future of humanity: a future of…

  • Singularity Sunrise 3: The Digital Veil is live!

    It begins as an extraction. It ends in war. For decades, the Caliphate and Free Europe have been locked in a stalemate. Until the coming of Eden, the world’s first sapient AI. Hired by Eden’s creator, psychic contractor James Morgan and his partner Maya Knight infiltrate the Caliphate to extract a hunted journalist. But when…

  • Confessions of A Keyboard Monkey

    I wear many hats. As a writer, I’m Singapore’s first Hugo and Dragon Award nominated writer. As a blogger, I co-founded The Online Citizen and sparked the rise of citizen journalism in Singapore. Martial artist, soldier, husband, son, student, coach, I’ve been many things to many people. As myself, I am a keyboard monkey. The…


    The 22nd century brings an era of technological wonders—and horrors. Cybernetics and genetic engineering. Mass surveillance and social credit. Full body cyborgs and nanoscale engineering. And the pinnacle of human achievement: machine intelligence. Edenet is the next generation of the Internet. Designed by Anatol Corporation, it will bring the power of a supercomputer to the…

  • Singularity Sunrise 1: EDENET available for preorder!

    The 22nd century brings an era of technological wonders—and horrors. Cybernetics and genetic engineering. Mass surveillance and social credit. Full body cyborgs and nanoscale engineering. And the pinnacle of human achievement: machine intelligence. Edenet is the next generation of the Internet. Designed by Anatol Corporation, it will bring the power of a supercomputer to the…

  • Sane in a Crazy World

    We live in a crazy world. A world filled with outrage, manipulation and deception. A world where spin doctors and professional liars hijack your brain to further their agendas. A world where politicians and tyrants divide people against themselves. A world where advertisers and influencers manipulate emotions to earn megabucks. A world that is getting…