Category: Life
Everything Changes, Everything Stays the Same
Change is the only constant. The only question is the degree of change. And I suspect 2025 will be a year of great changes indeed. Regular readers might have noticed a distinct lack of content in December. The traditional reflection post is missing, and so is the early January post. In late November, I identified…
Into 2024, and Beyond
2024 was a rough year. You might have divined as much from the sudden drop in output over the past half-year. Real Life circumstances have conspired to force a sea change in every aspect of my life. With so much more to handle than ever before, my writing time has been reduced by half. Or…
Cultivating Courage
Hard times are coming. Covid. Response to Covid. Supply chain shock. The Great Resignation meets the Great Termination. Whispers of war. Chaos and disorder in the West. Major inflation. Alliance of corporations and governments to maximise wealth and power at the expense of the people. And things can still get worse. This is a time…
The First Day of A New Life
Two weeks ago I sent in my notice of resignation. This morning I sent in my last timesheet. With that, I have quit my day job to pursue self-employment, financial freedom, and the art of writing. A Decade of Dead Ends For 10 years I’ve held a number of dead-end jobs. Speech trainer. Copywriter. Staff…
Hiroshima, 7 Decades After the Bomb
November, 2018. My wife and I were on our honeymoon, touring the largest and greatest cities of Japan. Having visited Tokyo and Kyoto, we were now in Osaka, the final leg of our trip. There was so much to see, so much to do, but we made time for a day trip to a city…
Life Recalibration
At the age of 12, I knew I wanted to be a full-time author. The dream lasted me through my schooling years and into my twenties. Not a day passed when I would not think of that goal. But now, eighteen years on, it’s time for a reality check. And a recalibration. I have written…